What is Quinoa

What is Quinoa

Anyone new to a health and fitness lifestyle has probably came across the “super food” called quinoa (keen-wah).  This tiny pebble-looking grain-like food (seed) is one of the healthiest options out there!  According to wikipedia, Quinoa is primarily grown for its edible seeds. It is a pseudocereal rather than a true cereal, or grain, as it is not a member of the true grass family.
So Thanks For the Science Lesson, But why should I eat quinoa?
  1. Quinoa is a protein-rich food that contains all 9 essential amino acids
  2. Quinoa contains fiber – almost twice as much as other grains
  3. Quinoa is gluten free
  4. Quinoa contains iron which promotes healthy red blood cells
  5. Quinoa contains lysine which is used for tissue growth and repair
  6. Quinoa is a complex carbohydrate with a low glycemic index
Sounds great so how do I cook quinoa?
There are many different quinoa recipes out there, however pretty much every one of them starts off with softening the quinoa seed by boiling or steaming.  Once you have tenderized the quinoa pellets, the world is your oyster.  You can make salads, eat it straight-up, dump on jam or even turn it into some quinoa pancakes with this quinoa pancake recipe or even a quinoa veggie burger recipe.
Have fun and eat your quinoa, it is good for you.


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