Leg Workout: Clydesdale Legs

Leg Workout: Clydesdale Legs

Trying to build clydesdale-esque haunches? A set of wheels so powerful that you actually develop a four-wheel drive setting for squating? Check out this workout, it covers the whole posterior chain and is perfect to substitute into your routine as the week’s leg workout. Do this workout once a week for four weeks and watch your numbers soar, your pants grow tighter and receive a post-workout booty pump like no other.

Warm Up

As you’re going to be lifting some heavy-ass weight, it is important to properly warm up your muscles and connective tissue for this workout. It will also be equally important to active your glute muscles. To cover these, we recommend using Joe DeFranco’s Limber 11.
To properly active your glutes, do two or three quick sets of single leg hip thrusts after Joe DeFranco’s Limber 11. Concentrate on pressing through your heels and squeezing your glutes. After a few quick sets you’ll be ready to crush some real weights.


Squats (Heavy)

7 sets x 4 reps
Work up to about 80-85% of your one rep max. Concentrate on controlled, smooth movements and exploding fast out of the hole. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Super Set 1

Single Leg Deadlifts

4 sets x 8 reps each leg

Kettle Bell Swing

4 sets x 15 reps
For the single leg deadlifts, take a kettlebell in your right hand and, keeping your back straight, lower it towards the ground. Simultaneously, lift your right leg for balance directly behind you. All of the tension should be on your left glute and hamstring. With one powerful movement, stand up straight. Perform eight reps on one side and then switch to the other. VIDEO
Next, with no rest in between, take a heavier kettlebell and rep out 15 swings. Take a minute rest and start the superset over. For a detailed breakdown on proper kettlebell swing techniqueCLICK HERE

Super Set 2

Body Weight Inverted Row

4 sets x 8 reps

Heavy Farmer’s Walks (Heavy)

4 sets x 100 ft
Now for a little grip and back training. Grab a squat rack, TRX or a smith machine for the inverted rows. Also, put your feet up on a bench or swiss ball to make the movement harder.VIDEO
With no rest between, grab to heavy kettlebells, dumbbells or trap bar and do a 100 ft farmer’s walk. Keep your torso straight and pinch your shoulder blades together. Read more about farmer’s walks HERE


Barbell Hip Thrusts

3 sets x 12, 10, 8 reps
It’s never fun leaving the gym and your pump is already starting to go down. Well this movement will keep that booty pump going on for hours. Set up a flat bench and barbell parallel on the ground and get after it! VIDEO


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