MusclePharm Slice and Dice Shoulders Workout

I Found this workout on the MusclePharm facebook page. At first glance, it looked torturous. And after working my way through the first 1/3 of the workout, I can say that it was indeed torturous. This workout was brutal. It consists of 3 different “super sets.” Each super set contains 3 exercises. I had the hardest time with the full lateral raises and the Rep-Hold shrugs. By then end of this one, I could barely lift my arms. My video camera cut out at the very end, so I am about one set short of the complete workout. Also, MusclePharm has 4 rounds of ab supersets at the end which I didn’t do because I don’t like doing abs.
Slice and Dice Shoulders @Musclepharmpres
Military Press dumbbells -12 reps
Full lateral raise-20 reps
Arnold press-12 reps
6 sets
1 Arm Lying Side Laterals -12 reps
Full frontal raise-20 reps
Rear delt fly on the incline-12 reps
6 sets
Hang Cleans-8 reps
Rep Hold Shrugs- 15 reps
5 sets
Weighted crunches-25 reps
Ab wheels-20 reps
Toes 2 bars-10 reps
4 sets


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