What is Synephrine HCL? Is Synephrine HCL Safe?

Synephrine HCL is a popular ingredient that can be found in many popular weight-loss products and pre workout supplements.  Synephrine HCL is a stimulant.  According to Wikipedia:
Synephrine is currently marketed, usually in combinations with other drugs such as caffeine, as an over-the-counter stimulant and weight-loss-promoting dietary supplement for oral consumption. The effectiveness and safety of these preparations are controversial.
The popularity of Synephrine HCL incrased after the use of ephedrine was banned in the US.  However because of the chemical similarities to ephedrine, synephrine has become one of the more popular ingredients found in these types of supplements.
Synephrine HCL is used as an alternative for ephedrine since it causes some of the same desired effects as ephedrine but not nearly as many side-effects.
Synephrine HCL is most commonly used for:
  • Appetite reduction
  • Increased alertness
  • Fat Burner
  • Metabolic increase
  • Energy increase
Ok, Awesome, but is Synephrine HCL Safe to use?
As with mos stimulants, you will want to consume Synephrine in moderation and not for an extended period of time.  You should not take it while on prescription drugs or while consuming other stimulants.  If you are  at all concerned about consuming Synephrine HCL, you should consult your doctor.
Common Names for Synephrine HCL
  • Bitter Orange
  • Sour Orange
  • Zhi shi

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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