What is Tart Cherry Powder? Know Your Supplement Ingredients.

Yet again, I have notice a new “natural” ingredient in my supplements – This time it is Tart Cherry Powder.  So what is tart cherry powder and why is tart cherry powder in my workout supplements?
If you have ever watched Dr. Oz you may have seen him tout tart cherry juice as the new miracle way to stay healthy.  Although it may not be a miracle fruit, tart cherry juice and tart cherry powder do possess some great antioxidant benefits.
Three of the main claims of tart cherry juice and tart cherry powder:
  • Pain relief
  • Fights heart disease
  • Helps you sleep (contains small amounts of melatonin)
My best guess is since it is taken post workout, the company was targeting the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of tart cherry powder.  It is possible they were going for the sleep-aid, however it was not marketed as a night-time product so I don’t believe that is the case.  Either way, antioxidants are good and I could not find any studies showing negative effects of tart cherry powder, so I am fine with this in my post workout supplement.


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