What Is The 28 Method?
If you have ever lifted weights ever in life, you have more then likely heard of someone doing “21s”. They may have called it “The 21 gun salute”, “21s”, “7s”, but at the end of the day they were doing 7 reps half way up, 7 reps half way down, and then 7 full reps. After time though, your body will get used to this rep scheme and the novelty of doing the 21 method of biceps wears off.
Cory Gregory over at MusclePharm has developed a method of training called “The 28 Method” and he takes the old 21s method to a completely new level.
So What Is The 28 Method?
The 28 method for lifting is pretty simple to follow. Simply perform the following rep scheme with an appropriate weight:
- 7 regular full reps
- 7 slow reps (5 seconds up, 5 seconds down is one rep)
- 7 reps going halfway down
- 7 reps going halfway up
- 2 minute rest
According to Cory, “you will see an increase in muscle fullness and the pump will be out of this world”. The 28 method can be applied to nearly any exercise so don’t limit yourself to just using it for training arms. Try it on dumbbell bench press, squats, military press, etc.
If you want to see a full 28 method arms workout, Check out Gabe doing the original MusclePharm 28 Method Arms Workout here.
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