What is Betaine HCL? Know your pre workout ingredients.

Betaine HCL is an ingredient I have been seeing pop up in some newer pre workout supplements recently.  Let’s take a look at what is Betaine HCL so we know what we’re putting into our bodies.
What is Betaine HCL?
Betaine HCL is a chemical substance that is made in a lab.  It can be found in nutritional supplements or in pure capsule form and is used as a digestive aid. You will often see it formulated with another product called “Pepsin”.
What does Betaine HCL do for the body?
Betaine HCL Claims:
  • enhance stomach acidity* (this has not been verified – Betaine HCL delivers HCL to the stomach, but has not been proven to alter stomach acidity)
  • promote protein breakdown and absorption*
  • help individuals with occasional indigestion*
So when we Betaine HCL as an ingredient in our pre or post workout supplements, it is there to help proteins and amino acids digest and absorb into your system more quickly and efficiently.
Is Betaine HCL Safe?
According to WebMD.com:
“a federal law that went into effect in 1993 banned betaine hydrochloride from use in OTC products because there wasn’t enough evidence to classify it “generally recognized as safe and effective.” Betaine hydrochloride is now available only as a dietary supplement whose purity and strength can vary. ”
This means that the FDA banned it from being sold in OTC drugs but found it safe enough to be included in dietary supplements.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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